Joy for Toys

I grew up in the fifties not long after the Second World War. All parents want to give their best to their children. At that time only the father had an income and my mother made the most out of the money, making good and healthy meals. We lived in a new house so they had made a huge step of faith moving out of the small apartment in Copenhagen.



I dreamt that I had a certain baby doll and a dolls pram.  The doll was a special kind called “composition” a kind of porcelain I think, very much like the little sister or brother I never got and the pram was like the ones I saw in our town. I woke up from my dream and I didn’t have it. I was four years old. I had a doll, but she was “older” than a baby doll.

Somehow I knew that my parents couldn’t afford it so I never asked.


Image belongs to Dorthe Lohmann



Fifty years later I just happened to see a dolls pram in a carport. I worked as a health visitor and had just left after a visit to a mother and her baby. I was struck by the sight of it and went back to ask if I could buy it?

Oh, I could get it for free. She was going to throw it away!

Soon after I bought a “composition doll” like the one in my dream. Now the collection has grown and I can’t explain the amount of joy it gives me to have these treasures.


one of my doll prams


  1. Og nu har du en helt unik samling af det legetøj, vi alle ønskede os. Det var kun de færreste børn, som fik, hvad de ønskede sig. Vore forældre havde ikke råd, i vores barndom var livet (efter 2, Verdenskrig)stadig præget af mangel på mangt og meget, det ved vore børn og børnebørn ikke meget om.


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