Keep Calm and Carry on!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “By Heart.”

This quote or poem by Churchill helped me immensely in a tough time a few years ago. I felt very intimidated and misunderstood by a boss at my job over some years in fact, and at the height of the crisis, I had a Half Marathon in London. I managed that even without sleep for days.

Looking over the Thames at Millbank. View from Tate Gallery London

Looking over the Thames at Millbank. View from Tate Gallery London

I have my routine in London of going to the same places that I love. One of them is Tate Gallery a beautiful art gallery based on Turner’s paintings from the Romantic period. I found the museum first time when I was 20 years old and visiting London alone and with very little money.

Tate Gallery London

Tate Gallery London

In their museum shop, I found a little book with the quote on it. It was before it went viral in all its varieties.  In the book, I wrote down words of comfort, mostly from the bible and the words became very personal and were like anchors to life, feeling I was losing hold of it.



  1. I am sure that word is quite a treasure and an anchor when things are hard. A couple of years ago when things were a bit rugged for our little community college, our Dean, who I really liked, gave us all coffee cups with this saying on it. I loved it and sipping coffee or tea from it always seems especially soothing.

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  2. Don’t think my comment posted…. I think that book must be a treasure and an anchor for you in times of trouble. A few years ago when our little community college was going through some difficulties, our Dean gave us all cups with this saying on them. I love it and it seems sipping coffee or tea from it is always especially soothing.

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  3. It’s great to have a place where you can record inspirational thoughts to refer back to when you need it the most. Congratulations on completing the Half Marathon in London! What a wonderful accomplishment! {hugs}

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