A Sign in the Sky

Driving in my hometown, I suddenly saw an impressive sight in the blue sky. Two jet planes were about to cross each others’ condensation trails in the air. They were so far away that I could only see the long columns of smoke.

I think that’s a rare sight here in Denmark, but I was glad because I immediately thought of the Air Defense looking after our borders. The formation of the smoke made a big cross over the sky. In the spiritual world, the angels guard us if we pray for our countries. Without a physical and spiritual defence, our country is very vulnerable.

II Chronicles 8:14: If my people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.

In these days the politicians are discussing which kind of new jet planes were are going to buy. Some political parties claim that we can’t afford expenses on our armed forces. The same political parties were in charge just before WWII and had minimised our defence to a nearly non-existing level.   The soldiers on guard that horrible day 9 April 1940 couldn’t match the intruders though they did their best.

I really hope that our Danish politicians will buy proper equipment so that at least we can defend our borders.

One of them is the Super Hornet from Boeing, another possibility is the Eurofighter Typhoon


    • Yes Paula it is like people in high positions are lacking knowledge of history. They think it is expensive and it is, but the alternative is having other powers deciding over us. That already happens for us as the EU has too much to say in many matters


  1. We have defenses…but a man running for president who spews venom against minorities and talks of building walls, also seeming like politicians before World War II. It seems to be a very scary time that truly requires prayer.


    • Today our politicians have decided to buy the American jet planes called F35. We have seen many scandals with purchase of things that never come into function like military helicopters, computer systems and Italian trains. So this time I hope at least they will function.

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