How Did We Travel in Our Youth?

Today, we click on the internet to find a destination, a hotel and book everything by ourselves. The tickets are on our phones or on emails to prove that we already booked and paid.

In my youth in the sixties or seventies, how did we do it? Maybe some of you would like to chime in on this. I find it difficult to remember. We had either cash in the currency of the country we visited or had something called travel checks. I had to call my twinbrother for him to explain what we did. He was the practical person who did most of the organising when we travelled.

First landing in New Castle 1966 by ferry with my brother

We went to the British Counsel in Copenhagen where we got a booklet with different possibilities to book both transportation and hotels or hostels. When we arrived we showed our tickets or tokens and we were let in. We had no possibility to get access to our bank account abroad and getting assistance from home was out of the question. Luckily we were never robbed or lost our money or passports.

We had no idea what amount of cash we needed to bring, but as we only had a minimal amount saved from our summer holiday job, we would have to make that do. I have vivid memories of not daring to spend a shilling on tea or coffee when very much needed. It was important to have enough money to buy a skirt or dress.  It was a disappointment that what I found in English fashion Magazines in Denmark were nowhere to be found in London. Fashion was for celebrities or rock singers and most likely created for them. 

Today I can walk for hours due to my running sneakers, back then my feet hurt as shoes weren’t as comfortable as now. We had a few pairs of shoes or sandals but not that suitable for long walks. 

I have a few pictures from the travels mostly to England, I wish I had more

In the picture to the left, I am with a girl from Denmark to New Castle. She didn’t have a return ticket and was turned back on the next ferry. I didn’t either, but I had a job waiting for me and a welcome letter from my mother’s friends who accepted me to stay with them  

Categories: Memories, Travelling

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  1. When I was in Europe in 1974 I arranged with my bank in Melbourne to open an account in the Branch in London. Every now and then I would send a telegram to the bank and ask them to send a certain amount of money to ‘Poste Restante’ in whatever town we thought we would be in in a few days time.

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