Looking at Baby Care

Lately, I was reminded of Carol’s new-born grandchild and felt that I could share my articles on caring for babies. Carol, with her blog Writeful Mind, is a very social blogger who connects bloggers to the Facebook Café blog and is busy helping people who have suffered from abuse.

I have stored up knowledge on this subject for many years, and it was the main aim of this blog when I started. The blog has developed in other directions as my readers are mostly people with grown-up children.

When I meet babies on my way, I always get inspired to express some helpful things to make life with a new baby go smooth. The more you understand a baby’s stage of development, the more you can’t match his or her needs and the calmer life you get yourself.

Creating a Foundation

If at all possible, I recommend breastfeeding a baby. It’s not always easy. It has to be learnt through practice. It’s an investment but worth it. You bond more comfortable with the child and give the baby the just right nutrition together with the skin-to-skin contact. The first milk is rich in antibodies, and human milk helps the baby to grow in the right tempo, helps prevent infections and many inherited diseases.

How much does a new-born eat per breastfeeding?

Day 1, 7 ml. Day 2, 14 ml. Day 3, 38 ml. Day 4, 58 ml. Day 5, 70 ml. Breastfeeding five (five only Day 1) -to ten times a day.

I don’t want to put mothers who don’t breastfeed under pressure. I know that different things very quickly can hinder the success of breastfeeding. To receive excellent and supportive help from the very start is essential. The child gets very frustrated if his or her needs are not met so to start right is vital.  If it’s difficult for the child to latch correctly, I recommend to “start over again”. Put the child naked, or with just a diaper, on the mother’s bare stomach skin and let him or her take her time to make his way up to the breast again without interference. The baby will be re-programmed to start afresh. My experience with breastfeeding tells me that mothers who breastfeed get a good understanding of their baby’s needs.

If a mother has to turn to a breast milk-formula, then it’s essential not to give more than necessary and to let the baby have as much body-contact as if the baby was breastfed.

In my articles beneath the following three things is a red thread through it all to create a good foundation.

  • Enough to eat
  • Sufficient amount of sleep
  • An adequate amount of loving eye contact



The importance of mirroring


Basic Skin Care

Motor Development

Relationship with the father

Emotional Healing

A mother’s sensitivity



  1. Beautiful pictures there. I still remember my struggles with breast and bottle feeding with my first born. I;m glad those days are over but it’s a good learning process. As for sufficient sleep, it is never enough 6 years later! 😉


    • I know Ann. That’s why I have been so reluctant to write about breast feeding. I have met so many mothers who have fought for breastfeeding and had to give up because of many reasons. I don’t want to put down anybody. But if things work out after a time of investment in breastfeeding then it becomes so much easier for both mother and child

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      • I can imagine – breastfeeding is so personal and so different for every women and it’s difficult to say anything without offending anyone or giving unsolicited advice. I chronicled my experience on it several years back and definitely not text-book experience. Those books saying breastfeeding is natural and easy, they are all BS!

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      • What I want to say or teach is the importance of a good start to avoid a lot of difficulties but even that is difficult to express as it sounds so simple. It is to be in a context of face to face conversation here and now at the situation to lift up the mother to believe the difficulties can be conquered one by one

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      • You are absolutely right there. Often, new moms are in need of help to a good start but perhaps no one turn to. Still, I realised that one can never be prepared since things get unpredictable. Definitely agree it does sound simple, yet difficult to express. Which is why I think what you do to help mothers is a great thing! 🙂

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      • I love to be able to reach out in good timing. The motivation to get help must be there and the helper has to respect the mother’s wishes and needs


  2. I had trouble breastfeeding my first child; didn’t find out till 7 years later that he actually had a tongue-tie situation! Why no doctor saw that at birth or any subsequent visit I do not know. Those were the awful days of advocating early solid food. Thank goodness my mother knew better! No problems with my second child. It is now a pleasure to watch my daughter breastfeed my new grandson.Thankful that some difficulty at the beginning was easily overcome by the nurses’ teaching. Each individual is different!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes that is so true that’s why I find it so important to visit mothers with new-born to check up on things like this as well as a rising bilirubin which makes any new-born too tired to eat

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    • I was just thinking of sending you the link to this post at your former comment. If you look at the different link in the post you can see what I recommend regarding doing the best for your baby in “the most easy way”. I know it´s not always easy but some things are better to do than other things


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